Wednesday, October 11, 2006

a night out at The Curve

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The Curve is a very nice place, i really like it there.

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you get the relaxing and calm feeling when you're there.

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the band is always there performing during weekends, and they always have programs and surprises for customers. i really like live bands.

i was there with yi-shen and my friends; su, julian, wai mun and brendan for a night out the other day. we had dinner at Sakae Sushi, my first time there.

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the food was very normal. the sushi's lost to what Sushi King had. the unique thing they provide was the order-by-yourself-without-the-hassle-of-calling-for-the-waiter service. you browse through the lcd screen and pick what you want from there.

there are pictures and descriptions for every item on the menu. but i got drowsy after a while because the wire for the mouse was very short, the lcd screen is at your side and it was much higher than your head level, so you'd have to look high up, stretch your arm and strain your eyes at looking at the small words. you'd feel sick too!

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this particular dish looked so tempting on screen, but disappointed all of us when it arrived.

"so different from the picture wan!"

and the taste? horrible!

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this is su and wai mun.

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this is wai mun, and brendan; her boyfriend.

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this is me and julian; su's husband. they just got engaged! happie rite? =D

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and this is yi-shen and me.

OH YEAH, I OFFICIALLY AM BLIND! I MEAN, NEED GLASSES. hate it, so uncomfortable wearing glasses!

after dinner, we wanted to catch a movie but couldn't get nice seats coz it was a saturday night. we ended up at paddington's house of pancakes.

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somebody stole one of the banana fritters before i could take a picture! guess who was it? (hint: his name starts with a B)

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looking at the newly weds' wedding photos. a girl is always princessly pretty as a bride... slurrrpp....

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i'm pretty too!

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