Friday, September 29, 2006

Easter Day

I know Easter has long passed, I will still blog about my Easter here. Easter was my first big function held in Marco's Pizza, it was a success although the amount of kids participated was far lesser than expected.

We had to search for little baskets to put our Easter eggs into as centerpieces, bigger baskets for egg hunting, did the table tent cards design, Easter banner, we tried out the decoration of the eggs, searched for appropriate Easter story and etc.

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Me decorating the eggs. Ching and Chyi helped me until late at night. Obviously, my cheeks are photoshopped already.. you know lah, worked until late at night sure won't make a girl look good... so had to add some colour to my face!

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Places we hide the eggs.

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This was the egg decorating session. I didn't expect the 2 year old boys would participate too! And they managed to keep the egg in one piece.

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We had egg hunting and storytelling too. It was certainly an enjoyable event!

Time to take a group photo!

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1st try

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2nd try

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cher ching said...

cant see pics for the latest 2 posts..:S

Anonymous said...

i look so ugly in the pic.. my god.. i look like a cat.. hahahaha


changcheryi said...

you look so pretty chyi! must learn to love ur features, u've got nice oriental eyes! =*